Improvements to Board certification process ideas.


If someone agrees with the following ideas please share your comments and ideas on how to make it happen.

1- Can the WQE be offered twice a year? 
This will facilitate people to get over this pain faster fresh out from residency (if 1st attempt) or if someone fails, they can retry in 6 months and avoid waiting another year.
2- Can the examination results be available in less than 2 weeks?
The current waiting period of  EIGHT weeks is too long. TWO MONTHS of agony waiting. If you fail, then you have wasted 2 months of preparation for next attempt.
3- Can the period of 5-years to pass the boards start after one is done with fellowship?
If you do a 2-year fellowship and decide to take the WQE in the second year but you fail, then you have 3 years to complete the boards. If the test is offered once a year then you take the test in the 3rd year and if you pass wait to take the orals by the 4rth year. At this point you can not fail otherwise you loose your career...
Let me know your thoughts and ideas on how to propose this. I know ABO could come up with explanations for keeping this process like as it is. CHANGE will require effort and I am wondering how can we make the ABO know that there should be changes. Anyways. That is my opinion. Let me know yours.

#1 05/29/2018 at 01:02 PM
Wizard of OQ
Creator of Worlds

If you are going down this path, I would concentrate on one change at a time.  I think the most important one (and easiest to change) would be your third suggestion.  They could extend it to 7 years with just a change in some bylaws or something.

Though offering the WQE twice/year would be great, I'm sure it takes significant effort writing up different exams...and then scoring them fairly so that a test result in March/April compares well with a test result in September/October.

#2 05/30/2018 at 03:25 AM

You are correct. Its a good strategy to concentrate on one thing at the time and agree #3 is the easiest. What would be the recommended route to propose this?
Would love to hear form others as well.

#3 05/31/2018 at 04:03 PM

Not sure what the point of limiting time to 7 years.    It can only be helpful to any practicing physician to continue to keep trying.
#4 09/20/2024 at 05:10 PM
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